14'ERS or BUST

Information about climbing Colorado's 54, 14,000 foot peaks, extreme sports, rock climbing and everything in between.

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Friday, June 09, 2006

Team COLOWA - "2006 Expedition for 6"

So it's set. The week of June 30th, Bross, Democrat, Cameron, Lincoln, Evans and Quandray are all going down. For this flatlander it is the highlight each year and this year is going to break me into the double digit figure of my ultimate goal, sumitting all 14ers in Colorado. I've tackled Grays, Torreys, Bierstadt, Elbert, Sneffels and the dreaded Longs Peak in RMNP. This year I am going to double my total to 12 (that is if I conqure my task). I climb with two of the greatest climbers in the states, a 30 something entrepreneur and father of two (girls) Turbo Roy and a hard core music junkie, T of Big D. These boyz can climb, hands down. Not only is there back yard the Front Range but their drive to conqure the allusive 54 - 14ers in Colorado is a drive like mine... and thanks guys for letting this flatlander from the Sili-Corn valley of Iowa tag along. There will be lots more to come from 14'ers or Bust; trip reports, trail head conditions, snow reports, photos, routes, rocks, tasty beer from micros, music, gear reports, food for the campsite, elevation, mileage, weather and whatever else falls face first on our 2006 expedition for 6, Team Smoke: Turbo Roy, T of Big D and the Flatlander. Be sure to check back for updates of our trek, and remember... other peoples pain is funny... so if you want to laugh you'll have to come back.
Climb on - Flatlander


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