14'ERS or BUST

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Colorado 2006 - part 2

Take the freakin' picture. A rugged way down Bross. Almost there boyz

Decending Bross

Where did I put the legs?

Last leg coming of Mt. Bross. Bross was the 4th in a series of 4 that day.

The Jeep held her own while bustin 4x4 trails along the way.

There were no campfires allowed in National Parks/Forests due to the dry weather in Colorado. We blazed on a 4x4 trail to find some privacy and seclusion since TH camping was in a parking lot. Looks like Turbo needs a Stout.

Quandary Trail Head... see the sign that reads "Trail" - what would we have done?

First leg of Quandary. Turbo heading down a single track throught the pine trees.

Majestic no?

The final plung up to Quandary's summit. This route took 50 min. Had a brief snack to power up prior to the final leg. Major boulder field to hop along. Coming down took much more energy than going up... go figure

Isn't that cute, Turbo has the whole Ten Mile range in the palm of his hand.

Looks like Turbo is contemplating his next move

The Flatlander is looking for a high Five... or maybe he's been counting the peaks?

Here's T walking around Quandary's Summit. The 5th 14'er this weekend. He looks lost?


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